Exhibition Companies Registration
Exhibition Hall Composition
Exhibition Center 1 / 1F Hall 1 2 3
Exhibition Hall
Organizing Body
Contact Number
Korea Energy Expo Korea Energy Agency 052-920-0307 sdw@energy.or.kr https://koreaenergyshow.energy.or.kr
Carbon Neutrality EXPO Korea Industrial Intelligence Association 070-4703-4042 ljchung@koiia.or.kr www.netzeroexpo.or.kr
Meteorology Climate Industry Pavilion Korea Meteorological Industry Technology Institute 070-5003-5226 happy@kmiti.or.kr kcmie.com
GGHK KOTRA 02-3460-7489 kevinkim@kotra.or.kr https://www.keiti.re.kr/site/keiti/ex/board/View.do?cbIdx=277&bcIdx=36831
Korea Environmental Industry & Technology Institute 032-540-2184 nakyung@keiti.re.kr
Environmental Energy Pavilion BEXCO (ENTECH) 051-740-7483 entechkorea@naver.com https://entechkorea.net/wp/
How to Apply
Registration for exhibiting companies is available on each exhibition hall's website. For more detailed information, please contact the organizing committee.