Major Achievements
① (Successful holding of the first event) The first integrated event in the climate and energy fields across government agencies achieved the largest attendance (28,732 people)* among similar events outside the metropolitan area.
* Approximately 1,440 teenagers attended through active promotion for future generations
② (Spreading climate response messages) Expanding consensus on the need for clean energy transition and energy security policies through speeches by renowned figures*, such as world-renowned scholars and business representatives.
* Professor Richard Mueller of UC Berkeley, heads of international organizations such as IEA, IPCC, IMO, GGGI, Google, WBCSD, etc.
③ (Establishment of foundation for international events) Attendance of 716 people from 52 countries, including international organizations and high-ranking national officials* related to the climate and energy industry, and establishment of a foundation for international events, including linking with the NYT climate event
* High-ranking officials from countries concerned about the climate crisis such as Tuvalu, Belize, and Fiji, ministers and vice ministers from major partner countries such as Colombia, Laos, and Ghana, and city leaders such as New Orleans
④ (Support for attracting Busan Expo) Linking large-scale international events to the theme of Busan Expo and hosting it in Busan will serve as a positive signal* in attracting the ‘2030 Busan World Expo’
* ▲On-site inspection by the expo inspection team (April 2023, Busan) ▲Final vote on the fair location (November 2023, Paris)
Key Achievements
① (Pre-event) May 24 (Wednesday), welcome reception for key personnel
ㅇ Major VIPs of the event, including the opening ceremony VIP, ambassadors to Korea, heads of companies, and heads of affiliated organizations of each ministry, will attend and provide welcome and congratulatory remarks and networking.
② (Opening event) May 25 (Thursday), welcome speech, commemorative speech, keynote speech, etc.
ㅇ More than 2,000 people attended (many industry officials and future generation students participated)
* Keynote speech: IEA Secretary General Fatih Birol, Professor Emeritus of UC Berkeley University
* Prime Minister (opening speech), Chairman of the Korea Chamber of Commerce and Industry (welcoming speech), Mayor of Busan (welcoming speech), NYT International President (Congratulatory Remarks)
③ (Conference) 5.25 (Thursday) ~ 26 (Friday), composed of 3 summits: Business, City, and Leaders
Conference Main Content Result
Business Summit Business Leaders Roundtable About 100 VIPs and major exhibition companies attended the opening ceremony.
Low Carbon Energy Session (Session 1) A total of 640 people attended, including speakers, panelists, government, industry, and the general public (Session 1: 360 people / Session 2: 280 people)
ESG Management Session (Session 2)
City Summit City Mayor Roundtable Approximately 50 people attended, including mayors and governors (8)
Carbon Neutral City Session 263 attendees including speakers (6) and industry, academia, and research institute officials
Leaders Summit Marine Conservation and Climate Change (Session 1) Approximately 100 attendees from 6 countries and 4 international organizations (16 speakers)*
* ▲ Tuvalu, Belize, Barbados, Fiji, Marshall Islands, Bahamas ▲ PIF, IPCC, IMO, GGGI
Decarbonizing Shipping Towards Better Oceans (Session 2)
(Business) Discussion of the role of companies for a carbon-neutral and sustainable future and climate industry business growth strategies, etc.
* Google Asia Pacific Vice President, RWE Asia Pacific Vice President, Equinor Asia Pacific Vice President, EKF Executive Director, NYT International President, IEA Director, ExxonMobil Korea President, MS Korea Vice President, POSCO Vice President, Hanwha Q Cells CEO, Doosan Eville Vice President, etc.
(City) Invitation of seven overseas city mayors, discussion of ways to cooperate on climate crisis, and declaration of a joint declaration promising efforts to transform into a carbon-neutral city, etc.
* Mayor of Busan, Auckland, Casablanca, Dili, Esbjerg, Mombasa, New Orleans, Santiago, etc., Oceanics CTO, professor at the University of Copenhagen, etc.
(Leaders) Discussed international cooperation and solidarity measures on marine climate change with leaders of Pacific and Caribbean island countries and heads of international organizations
* Prime Minister, Prime Minister of Tuvalu, Prime Minister of Belize, Deputy Prime Minister of Fiji, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Marshall Islands, Secretary of State of the Bahamas, heads of international organizations such as PIF, GGGI, IPCC, Mayor of Busan, etc.
④ (Exhibition) May 25 (Thursday) ~ 27 (Saturday), composition and operation of 8 major exhibition halls
ㅇ Attracted over 500 companies (operated 2,195 booths) and achieved 28,732 visitors (daily average of 9,577)
ㅇ Although it is the first event, it has established itself as a national event with the largest participation of companies in the history of climate and energy industry exhibitions and exhibition of the latest technology and products.
Division Main Exhibition Contents Number of Booths Number of Companies
Exhibition Hall 1 Clean Energy Hall (Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy) Representative clean energy companies such as solar power, wind power, hydrogen/fuel electricity, solar power, and nuclear power generation, as well as innovative technologies and policies
* Innovation award-winning startups, Danish national pavilion, etc.
533 225
Energy Efficiency Center (Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy) Major energy efficiency companies, including high-efficiency energy, reduced power consumption, heating and cooling products, and energy management technology 170 19
Carbon Neutral Building (Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy) A venue for promotion, experience, and business for companies and organizations with carbon neutrality-related innovative products and appropriate technologies (green digital, etc.) 417 106
Future Mobility Hall (Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy) Future mobility technologies such as electric vehicles, EV charging solutions, and autonomous driving
* (autonomous driving, platform)/(new participant) Kakao Mobility, etc.
291 18
Expo Promotion Center (Expo Hosting Committee) 2030 Busan World Expo Promotion Center 45 1
Policy and Finance Department (Finance Commission) Introduction of financial products and services of domestic policy financial institutions, sharing of financial and tax support information 12 6
Amenities Export consultation hall, cafeteria, event zone, seminar hall, etc. 167 1
Subtotal 1,635 376
Exhibition Hall 2 Environmental Industry Center (Busan City) Exhibition of technology/products of companies and organizations related to environmental industries such as fisheries, resource circulation, air quality, and eco-friendliness 180 80
Climate Technology Center (Ministry of Science and Technology, Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries) Clean energy, CCUS, climate/environment, eco-friendly shipping port and marine climate technology exhibition 240 43
Amenities Export consultation hall, public domestic consumption consultation, product information session, micro vehicle test drive, etc. 140 1
Subtotal 560 124
Total 2,195 500
Exhibition Hall Setup
Exhibition Hall 1 Exhibition Hall 2
① Clean Energy Hall ② Energy Efficiency Hall ③ Carbon Neutral Hall ④ Future Mobility Hall ⑤ Expo Promotion Hall ⑥ Policy Finance Hall ① Environmental Industry Hall ② Climate Technology Hall
⑤ (Side events) May 25 (Thursday) ~ 27 (Saturday), 27 international and domestic side events operated
ㅇ (Domestic) Operating 21 seminars and forums*
* 2023 Carbon Neutral Seminar (May 25-26, Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy), Climate Future Forum (May 25, Ministry of Science and Technology), Eco-Friendly Hydrogen and Ammonia Seminar (May 26, Ministry of SMEs and Startups), “Carbon Neutral City Project Private Meeting” (May 26, Ministry of Environment), etc.
ㅇ (International) 6 bilateral events and bilateral meetings* held
* Korea-Germany Energy Cooperation Subcommittee Meeting (May 24, Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy), Korea-Japan Bilateral Meeting (May 25, Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy), Korea-Denmark Green Business Forum (May 25, Danish Embassy in Korea/Wind Power Industry Association), Korea-Germany Energy Day (May 26, Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy), etc.
⑥ (Special event) Held in conjunction with the New York Times climate change event from May 25 (Thursday) to 26 (Friday)
ㅇ Invitation of prominent figures, including heads of state, and discussion of climate change-related obstacles and business-government cooperation measures
⑦ (Closing Ceremony) Dream Concert* held at Busan Asiad Main Stadium on May 27 (Sat)
* A joint concert held every year since 1995, hosted by the Korea Entertainment Producers Association ('23: 29th)
ㅇ Attendance of 70 VIPs* and 30,000 audiences
* 11 Leaders’ Summit personnel (heads of Korea, Tae-Doguk and heads of international organizations), 29 government personnel (hosting ministries, heads of host organizations, etc.), 30 corporate personnel (HD Hyundai CEOs, etc.)