Side Events
  • If you have any questions about the side events, please contact the email address for each event.
Conference Side Events
Category Organization Contact Email
APEC Workshop on Promoting Decarbonization of Power Sector by Using Carbon-Free Energy (CFE) Korea Energy Economics Institute Korea Energy Economics Institute sooinkim@keei.re.kr
Job Fair Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy and related agencies Korea Energy Agency job@wce.or.kr
Side Events
Category Organization Contact Email
Project Consultation Session (GGHK) Ministry of Environment Korea Environmental Industry and Technology Institute nakyung@keiti.re.kr
Partner Countries Environmental Cooperation Conference
Green Industry Project Briefing Session KOTRA kevinkim@kotra.or.kr
Green Industry Order Support Package Type Consultation
Meteorological Technology Convergence Seminar to Revitalize the Meteorological Industry Korea Meteorological Administration micenter kai@micenter.com
Digital-based Demand Management Industry Revitalization Forum Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy Korea Energy Technology Evaluation and Planning
Advanced Technology Forum for Utilizing Unused Energy to Expand High-efficiency Industries
Clean Hydrogen International Forum  Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power Co., Ltd. Hydrogen Convergence Alliance(H2K) yblee@h2korea.or.kr
Global Carbon Neutral Technology Conference Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy Korea Industry Intelligentization Association ljchung@koiia.or.kr
Net-Zero Future 2024 Conference
WCE-linked Climate Technology Industry Seminar Busan Development Institute(BDI) Busan Development Institute namhs85@bdi.re.kr
Busan-Ulsan-Gyeongnam Energy Alliance Seminar Co-hosted by Busan, Ulsan, and Gyeongnam Busan Metropolitan City les1018@korea.kr