WCE 2023
Business Leaders Roundtable
Date May 25 (Thu.), 12:00-13:30 (90' KST)
Venue Convention Hall 2F, BEXCO, Busan
Participants 62 representatives from climate-related companies and academia
Process Greetings, Congratulatory Speech, Keynote Speech and Panel Discussion, luncheon
Low Carbon Energy Session
Date May 25 (Thu.), 15:00-17:00 (120' KST)
Venue Convention Hall 3F, BEXCO, Busan
Theme Creating New Market for Climate Industry through Low Carbon Energy
Main Contents Discussion on the green business growth strategies of global leading corporate/institutions.
Process Keynote Speech and Panel Discussion
Participants Industry insiders and public interested in low-carbon energy business strategies
Date Time Program
May 25 (Thu.)
Low Carbon Energy Session
15:00-15:05 (5‘) Welcome Remarks Kang Kyung-sung, 2nd Vice Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy
15:05-16:00 (55‘) Keynote #1 Keisuke Sadamori, Director, Energy Markets and Security, IEA
- Secure & Affordable Clean Energy Transition
Keynote #2 Ali Izadi, Head, Bloomberg NEF APAC
- Navigating the Energy Transition
16:00-17:00 (60‘) Panel Introduction [Moderator]
Hee Jip Kim, Visiting Professor, Seoul National University Engineering Practice
Kim Jong-Doo, Executive Vice President, Doosan Enerbility
Hyeon Park, Head of Energy Business Group, POSCO INTERNATIONAL
Ingunn Svegarden, Senior Vice President, Equinor Asia-Pacific, Renewables and Country Manager Singapore, Equinor ASA
Kenan A. Nariman, President, ExxonMobil Korea Inc
Business Summit
Keisuke Sadamori
International Energy Agency (IEA) / Director, Energy Markets and Security
Low Carbon Energy Session
Business Summit
Ali Izadi
BloombergNEF / Head, Asia Pacific
Low Carbon Energy Session
Business Summit
Kim Hee Jip
Seoul National University Engineering Practice / Visiting Professor
Low Carbon Energy Session
Business Summit
Kim Jong-Doo
Doosan Enerbility / Executive Vice President
Low Carbon Energy Session
Business Summit
Hyeon Park
POSCO INTERNATIONAL / Head of Energy Business Group / Executive Vice President
Low Carbon Energy Session
Business Summit
Ingunn Svegarden
Equinor / Senior Vice President Asia-Pacific, Renewables and Country Manager Singapore, Equinor ASA
Low Carbon Energy Session
Business Summit
Kenan A. Nariman
ExxonMobil Korea Inc. / President
Low Carbon Energy Session
ESG Management Session
Date May 26 (Fri.), 10:00-12:00 (120' KST)
Venue Convention Hall 3F, BEXCO, Busan
Theme Enhancing Corporate Global Competitiveness through Strengthening ESG Management
Main Contents Discussion of corporate responses to greenhouse gas reduction and strengthening ESG management.
Process Keynote Speech and Panel Discussion
Participants Industry insiders and public interested in ESG management strategies and greenhouse gas reduction activities by corporate.
Date Time Program
May 26 (Fri.)
ESG Management Session
10:00-10:10 (10‘) Special Speech Stephen Dunbar-Johnson, President, International, The New York Times Company
- Media storytelling in climate change
10:10-11:00 (50‘) Keynote #1 Yolyn Ang, Vice President, Asia-Pacific Global Partnerships, Google
- Building technology that helps people do more for the planet
Keynote #2 Surbhi Singhvi, Manager for Energy Transformations, WBCSD
- 24/7 carbon free power: a new frontier in power procurement
11:00-12:00 (60‘) Panel Introduction [Moderator]
Rhee, Jay Hyuk, Professor, Korea University Business School
Seong Nyeoh Lee, Vice President, SK ecoplant
Kim Sungwoo, Head of Environment & Energy Research Institute, KIM&CHANG
Jens Orfelt, APAC President, President, RWE Renewables
Ohsung Kwon, Director, Microsoft Korea Inc.
Business Summit
Stephen Dunbar-Johnson
The New York Times Company International / President
ESG Management Session
#Special Speech
Business Summit
Yolyn Ang
Google / Vice President, Asia-Pacific Global Partnerships
ESG Management Session
Business Summit
Surbhi Singhvi
World Business Council for Sustainable Development(WBCSD) / Manager, Energy Transformations
ESG Management Session
Business Summit
Rhee, Jay Hyuk
Korea University Business School / Professor
ESG Management Session
Business Summit
Seong Nyeoh Lee
SK ecoplant / Vice President
ESG Management Session
Business Summit
Kim Sungwoo
KIM&CHANG / Head of Environment & Energy Research Institute
ESG Management Session
Business Summit
Jens Orfelt
RWE / APAC President
ESG Management Session
Business Summit
Ohsung Kwon
Microsoft Korea Inc. / Director
ESG Management Session
(2) Business Summit
Business Leaders Roundtable
(Congratulatory Address) Prime Minister Han Deok-soo (Greetings) Choi Tae-won, Chairman of the Korea Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Low Carbon Energy Session
(Welcome Remarks) Kang Kyung-seong, Second Vice Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy (Keynote #1) Keisuke Sadamori, IEA Director
(Keynote #2) Ali Izadi, Head, Bloomberg NEF APAC (Panel Discussion) Keynote speakers, moderator and panelists
ESG Management Session
(Special Speech) Stephen Dunbar-Johnson, President of International Division, The New York Times (Keynote #1) Yolyn Ang, Vice President, Google Global Partnership Asia Pacific
(Keynote #2) Surbhi Singhvi, Energy Transition Manager, World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) (Panel Discussion) Keynote speakers, moderator and panelists
Official Luncheon
(Luncheon Remarks) Lee Sang-hoon, Chairman of Korea Energy Agency (Luncheon) Business Summit speakers, guests, etc.